The FBI documents represented by the above-listed electronic documents were taken from the Freedom of Information Act Reading Room at FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C. These FBI documents have been scanned from paper copies as released to FOIPA requesters over the years. In some instances, the copy quality is poor because the original files are in fragile condition. These are the best reproductions available. As you review these files, note that portions have been marked out and small codes appear in the margins or alongside the deletions. These codes may be matched up to our "Explanation of Exemptions" sheet. In general terms, the FBI excises information to protect national security, personal privacy interests, the identity of confidential sources, and law enforcement techniques. Additional cases will be added as time and resources permit. All of these
publications are in PDF (Portable Document Format). To view them
you will need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader plug-in installed
on your computer. The Reader can be downloaded at no cost from
on the World Wide Web. 202-324-5520 | Alphabetical Listing | Espionage | Famous Persons | | Gangster Era | Historical Interest | Unusual Phenomena | | Violent Crime | | Reading Room Index | Electronic Reading Room | | Major Information Systems | | DOJ Reference Guide | US DOJ FOIA | | Search | FOIA Home Page | FBI Home Page | |