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Reading Room Index Compiled as of 6/20/2001

The FBI Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Reading Room is located within the J. Edgar Hoover Building at FBI Headquarters, Washington, D.C. Thousands of pages of frequently requested FBI documents that have been released under the provisions of the FOIA are stored in the Reading Room. The FBI has converted many of these documents to an electronic format (PDF) and they may be viewed on this website. The documents available in the Reading Room are listed below, with those available on-line hyperlinked (underlined). In the case of voluminous pages, only summaries or excerpts from the documents are on-line.

Alcatraz Escape -- 1,757 pages
Ali, Noble Drew (see Moorish Science Temple of America) 
Amerasia -- 12,853 pages
a. Headquarters -- 7,175 pages
b. New York -- 5,678 pages
America First Committee -- 2,939 pages
American Friends Service Committee -- 3,498 pages
American Indian Movement -- 17,722 pages
American POWs/MIAs in Southeast Asia -- 6,944 pages
Ananda Marga -- 1,510 pages
Anglin, John and Clarence (see Alcatraz Escape)
Animal Mutilation Project -- 128 pages
Aryan Brotherhood -- 141 pages
Atlanta Child Murders (ATKID) -- 2,825 pages
Atlanta FBI Field Office -- Hostage Situation -- 269 pages
Baby Face Nelson -- 224 pages
Baker, Josephine -- 359 pages
Ball, Lucille -- 142 pages
Barbie, Klaus -- 76 pages
Barker, Arthur -- 252 pages 
Barker, Fred -- 16 pages
Barker, Herman -- 190 pages
Barker, Lloyd -- 11 pages
Barker, Kate "Ma" -- 6 pages
Barker/Karpis Gang -- 76,159 pages
a. Hamm Kidnapping -- 5,249 pages
b. Edward Bremer Kidnapping -- 70,910 pages
Barker-Karpis Gang (summary) -- 57 pages
Barnes, George "Machine Gun Kelly" -- 8,748 pages
Barnes, George "Machine Gun Kelly" (summary) -- 14 pages 
Barrow, Clyde (see Bonnie and Clyde
Black, Hugo -- 156 pages
Black Legion -- 964 pages
Black Panther Party-Winston Salem, NC --2,895 pages
Blunt, Anthony -- 37 pages
Bonnie and Clyde (summary) -- 3 pages
(Additional 461 pages, mainly newspaper articles, most of which illegible.)  
Bonus March -- 232 pages
Booth, John Wilkes -- 184 pages
Bowtie (Profumo Matter) -- 2,423 pages
Brecht, Bertolt -- 369 pages
Bundy, Theodore Robert -- 257 pages
Burger, Warren E. -- 743 pages 
Burgess, Guy (see Philby, Kim
Cambridge Spy Ring (see Philby, Kim
Capone, Alphonse -- 2,397 pages
Chambers, Whittaker (see Hiss, Alger/Chambers, Whittaker)
Chavez, Cesar and United Farm Workers -- 2,021 pages
Churchill, Winston -- 220 pages
Clergy and Laity Concerned about Vietnam -- 1,699 pages
Cohen, Morris and Lona -- 299 pages
(Limited release, Sections 1, 16, 32 & 62 only) 
Cohn, Roy M. -- 3,584 pages (see Rosenberg, Ethel & Julius)
Cointelpro (12 Programs) -- 52,680 pages
a. Black Extremist Hate Groups -- 6,106 pages
b. Cointelpro-Espionage Programs -- 482 pages
c. CPUSA -- 30,743 pages
d. Cuban Matters (Pro Castro) -- 59 pages
e. Disruption of White Hate Groups -- 5,457 pages
f. Hoodwink (To Cause Dispute Between CPUSA and "LCN ") -- 60 pages
g. Mexican CP Matter (Border Coverage Program) -- 122 pages
h. New Left -- 6,244 pages
i. Puerto Rican (Groups Seeking Puerto Rican Independence) -- 1,190 pages
j. Socialist Workers Party -- 688 pages
k. Special Operations (Nationalities Intelligence) -- 1,450 pages
l. Yugoslav (Violence Prone Yugoslav Emigres in U. S. ) -- 84 pages
Comments Re: Communication Assistance for Law Enforcement Agencies Act (CALEA) -- 1,732 pages
Communist Infiltration-Motion Picture Industry (COMPIC) -- 13, 533 pages
Council on Foreign Relations -- 492 pages
Custodial Detention -- 34,207 pages
a. Headquarters Main File -- 647 pages
1. June 15, 1940 - June 21, 1940 -- 36 pages
2. February 24, 1943 - May 27, 1968 -- 611 pages
b. Headquarters Sub Files -- 13,692 pages
1. Anchorage -- 85 pages
2. Dallas -- 133 pages
Dec. 7, 1941 - March 4, 1942 -- 108 pages
March 6, 1943 - January 1, 1944 -- 25 pages
3. Denver -- 397 pages
4. El Paso -- 462 pages
5. Honolulu -- 657 pages
6. Houston-May 6, 1941 - March 24, 1942 -- 294 pages
7. Los Angeles -- 474 pages
December 8 and 9, 1941 -- 155 pages
Jan. 22, 1942 - Feb. 24, 1942 -- 167 pages
April 16, 1942 - June 6, 1942 -- 152 pages
8. New York -- 1,859 pages
9. Philadelphia -- 510 pages
10. Phoenix -- 492 pages
11. Pittsburgh -- 260 pages
12. Portland -- 698 pages
13. San Antonio -- 317 pages
14. San Diego -- 343 pages
May 6, 1941 - July 6, 1942 -- 267 pages
Sep. 12, 1942 - January 3, 1945 -- 76 pages
15. San Francisco -- 1,122 pages
16. Presidential Arrest Warrants -- 4,756 pages
17. Japanese Activities-Hawaiian Islands -- 833 pages
October 26, 1940 - March 12, 1942 -- 215 pages
April 17, 1942 - May 11, 1942 -- 274 pages
May 23, 1943 - August 28, 1943 -- 245 pages
March 11, 1942 - May 27, 1959 -- 99 pages
c. Communist Sabotage (COMSAB) -- 371 pages
d. Detention of Communists (DETCOM) -- 8,028 pages
e. DETCOM Department Approval -- 1,082 pages
Dec. 19, 1952 - April 14, 1953 -- 192 pages
May 14, 1971 - July 18, 1975 -- 890 pages
f. Security Index -- 10,387 pages
1. Headquarters Main File -- 8,870 pages
2. Headquarters Sub File, New York -- 1,517 pages 
D'Aquino, Iva Ikako Toguri (see Tokyo Rose
Daily Worker --  223 pages
Dalitz, Morris B. -- 2,729 pages 
Darrow, Clarence Seward -- 11 pages
Deacons for Defense and Justice -- 1,580 pages
DeSalvo, Albert -- 122 pages
Dies, Martin -- 50 pages
Dillinger, John Herbert (Summary) -- 157 pages 
Dillinger, John (Gang) -- 36,795 pages
Donovan, William J. -- 747 pages
DuBois, W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt) -- 927 pages
Earhart, Amelia -- 56 pages
Einstein, Albert -- 1,427 pages 
Eisler, Hanns -- 686 pages
Fard, Wallace D. -- 816 pages 
a. Headquarters -- 372 pages
b. Detroit -- 99 pages
c. Chicago -- 345 pages
Faulkner, William Cuthbert -- 18 pages 
Five Percenters -- 132 pages
Floyd, Charles "Pretty Boy" (see Pretty Boy Floyd and Kansas City Massacre summary) -- 15,786 pages 
Flynn, Errol -- 391 pages
Ford, Henry -- 376 pages
Foreign Counterintelligence Manual (Released June 1985) -- 150 pages
Freedom of Information-Privacy Acts Reference Manual -- 846 pages  
Freedom of Information-Privacy Acts Annual Statistical Report -- 245 pages
Gacy, John Wayne -- 17 pages
Galante, Carmine -- 1,213 pages 
Gambino, Carlo --1,239 pages
Garvey, Marcus -- 1,407 pages 
Gay Activists Alliance -- 534 pages
Gay Liberation Front -- 1,113 pages 
Genovese, Vito -- 102 pages
Giancana, Sam M. (1/1/1960 - 12/31/1963) -- 2,781 pages
Gillis, Lester Joseph (see Baby Face Nelson) -- pages 224 
Greenlease Kidnapping (Summary) -- 225 pages
Hammer, Armand/Occidental Petroleum -- 658 pages 
Hanfstangl, Ernst Franz Sedwick "Putzi" -- 122 pages
Hell's Angels -- 233 pages 
Highlander Folk School -- 1,107 pages
The Hindenburg Disaster -- 337 pages
Hiss, Alger/Chambers, Whittaker -- 46,213 pages 
Hitler, Adolph -- 734 pages
Hoffman, Abbie H. -- 13,262 pages
a. Headquarters -- 7,794 pages
b. New York -- 5,468 pages
Hoover, J. Edgar --1,662 pages
See a. Official & Confidential Files of J. Edgar Hoover
b. Telephone Logs & Appointments of J. Edgar Hoover
Interpol (International Police May 1935 - July 1950 -- 1,758 pages
Jones, Jim (see Jonestown)
Jonestown -- 48,738 pages
Summary -- 365 pages
Kansas City Massacre (see Floyd, Charles "Pretty Boy")
Karpis, Alvin -- 2,360 pages
Kelly, Machine Gun (See Barnes, George) 
Kennedy, Jacqueline (limited) -- 4 pages
Kennedy, John F., Jr. -- 178 pages
Kennedy, Joseph P. -- 1,011 pages
Kennedy, Robert F. -- 1,263 pages
Kennedy, Robert F. Assassination -- 3,775 pages
Summary -- 138 pages
Kent State Shooting -- 8,445 pages
Kent State Shooting, ROTC Fire Bomb -- 1,146 pages 
King, Martin Luther, Jr. -- 16,659 pages
Summary -- 221 pages
King, Martin Luther, Jr., Assassination (MURKIN) -- 39, 237 pages
a. Headquarters -- 21,774 pages
b. Atlanta -- 2,327 pages
c. Birmingham -- 2,162 pages
d. Chicago -- 958 pages
e. Los Angeles -- 2,495 pages
f. Memphis -- 7,451 pages
g. New Orleans -- 1,175 pages
h. St. Louis -- 346 pages
i. Washington Field -- 549 pages
Korean Airline Flight 007 -- 80 pages
Krivitsky, Walter G. -- 570 pages
Ku Klux Klan -- 588 pages
Lattimore, Owen (May 1941 - May 1950) -- 5,161 pages
Legal Handbook for Special Agents (Released 1998) -- 192 pages 
Lennon, John Winston -- 248 pages
Levison, Stanley D. -- 11,408 pages
a. Headquarters -- 1,699 pages
b. New York -- 9,593 pages
c. Other Field Offices -- 116 pages
Lewis, John L. -- 2,815 pages
Lindbergh, Charles Augustus --1,368 pages
Little, Malcolm X -- 11,674 pages
Headquarters -- 4,065 pages
b. New York -- 7,239 pages
c. Chicago -- 253 pages
d. Phoenix -- 17 pages
e. Washington -- 100 pages
Liuzzo, Viola Murder (Civil Rights Investigation) -- 1,520 pages
London, Jack -- 47 pages
Long, Huey P. -- 1,818 pages
Luciano, Charles "Lucky" -- 548 pages
MacLean, Donald (see Philby, Kim)
Mafia Monograph -- 284 pages 
Majestic 12 -- 22 pages
Mann, Thomas -- 95 pages 
Mantle, Mickey -- 29 pages
Manual of Administrative Operations and Procedures (MAOP) -- 1,886 pages 
Manual of Investigations Operations and Guidelines (MIOG)(with Revision dated 8/21/1987) -- 2,134 pages
Supplemental Package-Updates 1996 -- 610 pages
Marcantonio, Vito -- 993 pages 
Marshall, Thurgood -- 1,394 pages
McCarthy, Joseph -- 4,296 pages 
Mencken, Henry Louis -- 55 pages
Mississippi Burning (MIBURN) -- 948 pages
Prosecutive Summary 9/15-30/1964 -- 713 pages
12/2/1964 Decision for Federal Prosecution -- 235 pages
Monroe, Marilyn (Norma Jean Baker) -- 97 pages
Morris, Frank Lee (see Alcatraz Escape
Moorish Science Temple of America -- 3,117 pages 
Muhammad, Elijah -- 2,885 pages
Muslim Mosque, Inc. -- 2,754 pages
National Alliance -- 1,785 pages
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) (August 1923 - November 1957) -- 5,671 pages
National Council of Churches (NCC) -- 6,454 pages
National Negro Congress -- 3,017 pages
Ness, Eliot -- 129 pages
Nureyev, Rudolph -- 160 pages
Official and Confidential (O&C) Files of J. Edgar Hoover -- 17,154 pages
Onassis, Aristotle -- 806 pages
Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy (see Kennedy, Jacqueline)
Oppenheimer, Frank -- 519 pages
Oppenheimer, J. Robert (Rosenberg Related Material) -- 7,336 pages
Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU) -- 1,243 pages
Orwell, George -- 79 pages 
Osage Indian Murders -- 3,274 pages
Parker, Bonnie (see Bonnie and Clyde
Parker, Mack Charles (Summary Report, April 1959) -- 370 pages 
Parsons, John Whiteside -- 130 pages
Penn, Lemuel A. (PENVIC) -- 5,179 pages 
Peoples Temple (see Jonestown)
Philby, Kim/MacLean, Donald/Burgess, Guy (Cambridge Spy Ring) -- 3,219 pages
Picasso, Pablo --188 pages
Poole, Elijah (see Muhammad, Elijah)
Posse Comitatus -- 2,147 pages
Presley, Elvis A. -- 663 pages
Pretty Boy Floyd and Kansas Massacre (Summary) 8/31/99
Project Blue Book --12 pages
Purple Gang -- 333 pages 
Purvis, Melvin -- 2,460 pages
Randolph, A. Philip -- 767 pages 
Remington, William Walter -- 9,243 pages
Reich, Wilhelm -- 789 pages
Robeson, Paul and Eslanda (Essie) -- 2,680 pages
Robinson, Jackie -- 131 pages
Rockefeller, Nelson -- 2,482 pages 
Rockwell, George Lincoln -- 674 pages 
Rogers, William Penn Adian (Will Rogers) -- 7 pages
Roosevelt, Eleanor -- 3,271 pages
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Assassination Attempt) -- 254 pages
Roselli, John -- 10,969 pages
Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel approximately 142,000 pages
Case Summary -- 171 pages
b. Principal Subjects
1. Brothman, Abraham -- 6,258 pages
2. Elitcher, Max -- 2,569 pages
3. Fuchs, Klaus -- 7,307 pages
4. Gold, Harry -- 12,834 pages
5. Greenglass, David and Ruth -- 4,343 pages
6. Rosenberg, Julius -- 21,504 pages
7. Rosenberg, Ethel -- 456 pages
8. Sobell, Morton -- 12,619 pages
9. Vago, Oscar -- 1,404 pages
10. Yakovlev, Anatoli -- 1,536 pages
c. Other Subjects
1. Alsher, Ruth -- 58 pages
2. Barr, Arthur -- 6 pages
3. Barr, Joel -- 1,119 pages
4. Bentley, Elizabeth -- 1,968 pages
5. Black, Thomas -- 5,654 pages
6. Bloch, Manual -- 427 pages
7. Cohn, Roy (see Cohn, Roy M.) -- 4 pages
8. Danziger, Silva -- 61 pages
9. Danziger, William -- 877 pages
10. Dayton, Weldon -- 2,026 pages
11. Derry, John -- 0 pages
12. Donner, Frank -- 1,565 pages
13 Elitcher, Helene -- 57 pages
14. Fineberg, Herbert -- 0 pages
15. Finestone, Maxwell -- 3,151 pages
16. Fitzpatrick, John -- 0 pages
17. Fookson, Abraham -- 233 pages
18. Glassman, Vivian -- 2,057 pages
19. Heineman, Krist & Robert -- 390 pages
20. Javna, Carla Small -- 137 pages
21. Jones, Thomas -- 4 pages
22. Josephson, Gloria -- 266 pages
23. Kaufman, Irving R. -- 18 pages
24. Kinoy, Arthur -- 541 pages
25. Kistiakowski, George -- 5 pages
26. Koski, Walter -- 0 pages
27. Kuntz, Edward J. -- 94 pages
28. Levine, Samuel -- 196 pages
29. Levitov, David -- 9 pages
30. Marshman, Wendell -- 0 pages
31. Miller, Max -- 0 pages
32. Murray, Richard -- 0 pages
33. National Committee to Secure Justice for
Julius Rosenberg and Morton Sobell -- 22, 011 pages
34. Oppenheimer, J. Robert (see Oppenheimer, J. Robert)
35. Page, Mark -- 657 pages
36. Page, Stella -- 8 pages
37. Pasternak, Florence -- 642 pages
38. Pasternak, Louis -- 500 pages
39. Pasternak, Morris -- 577 pages
40. Perl, William -- 3,730 pages
41. Perlin, Marshall -- 436 pages
42. Powell, Sarah -- 94 pages
43. Rich, Stanley -- 555 pages
44. Rogge, O. John -- 711 pages
45. Sarant, Alfred -- 5,669 pages
46. Saypol, Irving -- 10 pages
47. Schwartz, Emanuel -- 75 pages
48. Sidorovrich, Michel & Anne -- 6,038 pages
49. Smith, Ralph Carlisle -- 0 pages
50. Sobell, Helen -- 3,307 pages
51. Sobell, Louis -- 7 pages
52. Sobell, Rose -- 503 pages
53. Surovell, Abraham Jacob -- 501 pages
54. Urey, Harold -- 683 pages
55. Vago, John O. -- 654 pages
56. Walker, Andrew -- 52 pages
57. Weinstein, Edward James -- 1,745 pages
58. Zuckerman, Benjamin -- 254 pages
Roswell (see Unidentified Flying Objects)
Rowe, Gary Thomas (see Liuzzo, Viola Murder) 
Rudolph, Arthur Louis Hugo -- 107 pages
Rukeyser, Muriel -- 118 pages 
Ryan, Leo J., Murder (RYMUR)(see Jonestown)
Sacco, Nicola/Vanzetti, Bartolomeo -- 2,189 pages 
St. Valentine's Day Massacre -- 107 pages
Shooting Incident, Miami, Florida, 4/11/86 -- 600 pages
Siegel, Benjamin "Bugsy" -- 2,421 pages
a. Headquarters -- 1,443 pages
b. Los Angeles -- 109 pages
c. San Francisco -- 869 pages
Silvermaster, Nathan Gregory -- 50,971 pages
a. Headquarters -- 22,582 pages
b. Headquarters Surveillance Logs -- 9,813 pages
c. New York Surveillance Logs -- 7,623 pages
d. Washington Metropolitan Surveillance Logs -- 10,953 pages 

Sinatra, Frank Albert -- 2,403 pages
a. Headquarters -- 1,275 pages
b. Chicago -- 7 pages
c. Los Angeles -- 986 pages
d. New York -- 135 pages

Smith, Clarence 13X -- 80 pages
Smith, Gerald L.K. -- 2,211 pages 
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) -- 11,512 pages
Special Intelligence Service (SIS)/Basque -- 814 pages 
Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion -- 170 pages
Spellman, Francis (Cardinal) -- 536 pages
a. Headquarters -- 449 pages
b. New York -- 87 pages
Spilotro, Anthony -- 240 pages
Steinbeck, John -- 94 pages
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) (see Weatherman Underground
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) (Reports Only) -- 2,887 pages
Supreme Court -- 3,474 pages
Surreptitious Entries -- 2,898 pages
Tesla, Nikola -- 252 pages
Telephone Logs/Appointments/Calendars of J. Edgar Hoover -- 33,847 pages 
Tokyo Rose (Iva Ikako Toguri D'Aquino) -- 738 pages
Tolson, Clyde A. -- 2,141 pages
a. Personnel File -- 1,240 pages
b. Memos Maintained in Office -- 901 pages
Tresca, Carlo -- 1,358 pages
Trotsky, Leon -- 909 pages
Unidentified Flying Objects --1,600 pages
a. Roswell -- 1 page
United Farm Workers (see Chavez, Cesar)
Venona -- 73 pages
Von Braun, Wernher Magnus Maximilian -- 482 pages
Waco/Branch Davidian Compound (Negotiation Transcripts) -- 21,819 pages
Waco -- 772 pages
Watergate -- 16,277 pages 
Wayne, John -- 48 pages
Weatherman Underground -- 10,984 pages
Summary Dated 8/20/76 -- 479 pages
White, Harry Dexter -- 6,457 pages
Wilkins, Roy -- 967 pages 
Williams, Wayne B. (see Atlanta Child Murders)
Winchell, Walter -- 3,908 pages
Windsor, Duke and Duchess -- 144 pages
Wright, Richard Nathaniel -- 235 pages
a. Headquarters -- 169 pages
b. New York -- 58 pages
c. Washington Metropolitan -- 8 pages
Yardley, Herbert Osborne -- 199 pages 
Young Communist League -- 191 pages 
Zangara, Guiseppe (See Roosevelt, Franklin D.)
Zwillman, Abner "Longie" -- 747 pages

If you have difficulty accessing any material on this site because of a disability, please contact us in writing or via telephone and we will work with you to make the information available.

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